“when the form fulfills the purpose of the cycle, it is necessary to let go of the old form. The Goddess, true to her third aspect as Goddess of Death, embodied her mystery teachings that destruction precedes regeneration. And so she entered into her dark moon phase, where she retreated and disappeared in order to heal, transform, and renew herself for another round of growth.”

Demetra George, ‘‘Mysteries of the Dark Moon’

“… I believe our dreams hold the memories of all the places our soul has traveled since the beginning of existence. So, my baby, you must listen to your dreams…that is where your work will happen”

Queenie to Audre in book ‘The Stars and the Blackness Between Them’ by Junada Petrus

“…allow yourself plenty of space to grieve even as you recognize & express gratitude for what remains. The tears we shed over today’s tragedies water the garden in which tomorrow’s joys will bloom. To sign-up for living is to sign-up for facing loss. We hold two visions, always the past and the future, squeezing us to the present moment. What was bright and has faded is one vision. Another, what is dying & will be reborn. Decay brings forth new life. Face your grief, but remember it is only part of the story.”

‘five of Vessels’ Slow Holler Tarot

“Believe in nothing, entertain possibilities. Astrology is not a belief system: it is a language of the dynamic interplay between our interior life and the exterior world. The astrological language grants us access to the invisible realm it describes, and provides the vocabulary with which we can begin a detailed investigative explanation of the psyche.”

Caroline Casey

‘Making the Gods Work for You’

ponderings & observations

before each initial birth-chart reading, I hand draw your chart, and write out many pages of notes custom to you. I mail these to you after our reading.

before each initial birth-chart reading, I hand draw your chart, and write out many pages of notes custom to you. I mail these to you after our reading.

before each initial birth-chart consolation, I lay out your chart using stones and hand-made planets. This is a visceral way for me to ground into your energy as I prepare for our reading.

before each initial birth-chart consolation, I lay out your chart using stones and hand-made planets. This is a visceral way for me to ground into your energy as I prepare for our reading.