About ‘Visionary of Vessels: A Foundational Tropical Astrology Resource for Curious Observers’

This is a 8.5”x11” Magazine style resource available for purchase on Blurb

In January 2023, I decided to dedicate my astrological practice to creating a multimedia piece for each New & Full Moon. You can see that project on Instagram with #ZodiacalMoonSeries . Unbeknownst to me at the time, those multimedia pieces would become the foundation of this guidebook, which I officially began August 4, 2023, at 8:33pm. As a neurodivergent learner, I have found illustrations & infographics to be pivotal tools for understanding dense subjects, therefore, I wanted to create images that were engaging as well as deeply informative. I also wanted to include as much astronomical information as possible, as a reminder to return our engagement to the sky, while continuing to navigate archetypal & astrological interpersonal & intrapersonal relationships.

The title, ‘Visionary of Vessels’ is inspired by the ’Slow Holler Tarot Deck’ who queered the hierarchy, and renamed the ‘Queen of Cups’ to the ‘Visionary of Vessels’.  This card description reads, “Let your song be he song of the world. Feel your heart beat in unison with your friends, with your ancestors, and the streaming waters of life. Tap into a massive power that isn’t yours by letting your heart break open-in joy or in pain. Be a vessel for healing, and you heal the world.”

I turned to the study of astrology initially, and continually through breaking open to mend. My astrological practice is one of channeling. The content of this guidebook was created by being a vessel, through tapping-in, and pouring out what was being asked of me to create with intention. May this guidebook be a vessel for healing.

This project was a labor of love. It took hundreds of hours creating the images, text and layout. All of which was based on thousands of hours of study, practicum, and observations. I want to say a very special thank you to those who helped me along the way. My dear friend, and incredible Sidereal Astrologer, River was a huge asset in editing many of these passages. My dear friends elliot, Verone, Jasper, & Geri helped me edit images & the layout.

May this be a resource to get to know yourself better. And may it be an invitation to observe, and engage with the Cosmos.

Front cover of Visionary of Vessels. This shows the Zodiac, with colorful visuals of each of the signs from Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
The back cover of the magazine. This shows the 8 phases of the Moon, from New Moon to Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Disseminating, Last Quarter, Balsamic Moon. These are surrounded by 29 moons in the lunation process
Table of Contents. This has each of the pages organized by topics. There are 11  colorful infographics I have created displayed on this page.
Writeup about tropical astrology. Slight overview of equinoxes and the Procession of the Equinox
Colorful infographic of Tropical astrology, Sidereal astrology & Constellational astrology. This information includes the Equinox and Solstice dates
Visual of the Thema Mundi, the astrological chart of the earth. It shows why the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer, how Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn show a mirror image.
planetary information including speed, retrograde motion, orbit. Includes inflation about mercury retrograde
breaking down each of the planets in bite size pieces. this page describes the luminaries, the Sun and the Moon. ach of these planets is tapestry I created in 2015.
Page 8 breaking down each of the planets in bite size pieces. this page describes the personal planets, mercury, Venus and Mars. Each of these planets is tapestry I created in 2015.
breaking down each of the planets in bite size pieces. this page describes the societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Each of these planets is tapestry I created in 2015
breaking down each of the planets in bite size pieces. this page describes the outer planets, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. Each of these planets is tapestry I created in 2015.

Graphic Design


Zodiacal Moon Series