What is the Balsamic Moon?

In this blog post I will be sharing about the Balsamic Moon through transits, progressions and natal Balsamic Moon. 

Graphic of the Balsamic Moon in proximity to the Sun. Created by xocean

The Balsamic Moon is the dark phase of the Moon also known as the Waning Crescent. Named after the word ‘balsam’ which is an aromatic resinous substance, a type of flower as well as a type of fir tree. I am not sure why the Balsamic Moon was named after balsam, I have read some accounts which say that balsam is really soothing, restorative and healing, which are some of the associations of the Balsamic Moon phase. I have read another account saying, because the Balsamic Moon is the dark phase of the Moon, it is associated with the deep, dark color associated with the Balsam Fir. Perhaps there are other reasons.

The Balsamic Moon is the final phase in the lunation cycle. They are in order as follows: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Disseminating, Last Quarter, Balsamic Moon phase, dissolving back into New Moon to start the cycle again. The Balsamic Moon Phase is 45º to 0º being the Sun, and rises shortly before Sunrise, until the Sun’s light absorbs the light of the Moon. 

The sensation of the Moon disappearing comes from the proximity of the Moon to the Sun. The Moon rises and sets at different times everyday. In the waxing phase, the Moon is getting farther from the Sun, until the Moon is opposite the Sun, in an opposition’s called the Full Moon. In the waning phases, the Moon is getting closer to the Sun, arcing the sky closer and closer until on the last day of the Balsamic phase, and the first day of the Waxing Crescent, the Moon is rising with the Sun which is why it looks like we don’t have a Moon in the sky. (And why we don’t have the Moon in the night sky: because ki is rising at Sunrise)

Balsamic Moon conjunct Venus March 28, 2022 shortly before sunrise 45º behind the Sun.

How long does it take our Moon to go around Earth?
It takes 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes for our Moon to complete one full orbit around Earth. This is called the sidereal month, and is measured by our Moon's position relative to distant “fixed” stars. However, it takes our Moon about 29.5 days to complete one cycle of phases (from new Moon to new Moon). This is called the synodic month. The difference between the sidereal and synodic months occurs because as our Moon moves around Earth, the Earth also moves around our Sun. Our Moon must travel a little farther in its path to make up for the added distance and complete the phase cycle.”
Sky Tellers: Moon Phases

Within these 29.5 days, each phase of the lunation cycle is about 3.5 days. The Moon is the fastest moving object in our Solar System, traveling at approximately 13º a day. Each phase lasts 45º 3.5x13=45.5. ….45ºx8 phases of the Moon =360º of our Zodiac. Each sign in the zodiac (within in whole sign houses) is 30º, So each phase of the Moon will span between 2 to 3 signs.


The Balsamic Moon phase is ideal for resting. It is a time to go inward, and reflect, clear, and cleanse. It is a lovely time to grieve, clean your space. If the Balsamic Moon is in the Fire element, it is great to have a fire, and burn intentions you want to release, or old notes, mail, etc. Let it go! If the Balsamic Moon is in the Earth element, it is great to clean your space, and let go of objects that no longer serve you. It can also be a great time to lay on the earth, and just be held by their ancient healing wisdoms. If the Balsamic Moon is in the Air element it is a great time to do some breathing exercises, and try and release some stagnate breath. If the Balsamic Moon is in the Water element, it is great to take a long bath, or shower and exfoliate. It is also a lovely time to go to a body of water such as the Ocean of river, and have a water honoring ritual. You of course can do any of the above under any element, but if you wish to specially work with the element, these are a few suggestions. Either way, if you are able, rest, restore and replenish.

The Moon is constantly moving, and therefore people of the same Sun sign can be born under 8 different phases of the Moon, 12 different signs of the Moon, 12 different houses of the Moon and varying aspects including Void of Course Moon. example, someone who is an Aries sun, could be an Aries Moon (Koch would mean they were born under the Balsamic of New Moon phase) a Taurus, Gemini, Cancer etc. And if they were born with a Libra Moon, they would born under the Full Moon (technically, they could also be born under the Waxing Gibbous Moon, if the Moon wasn’t fully oppose the Sun). So people of the same Sun sign can have vastly different charts, and therefore vastly different personalities and strengths!

SO what does it mean to be BORN UNDER A BALSAMIC MOON?

The Balsamic Moon phase does not reflects very little to no light, because the Moon is traveling with the Sun (and being absorbed by the Sun’s rays). Folks who are born under this phase of the Moon tend to have heightened internal compasses. They may be psychic, intuitive, mediums, sensitive to sensations, and deeply creative. Because we can’t see the physical body of the Moon during this phase, folks born under this phase of the Moon may feel dissociative, or out of body. It may be difficult to ground. But because the Balsamic Moon can fall into any sign, house or aspects to the Moon, the combinations of the expression of the natal Moon, will be specific to the Native. (each indivdual)

If you would like to know more about the Balsamic Moon, I highly recommend 2 of Demetra Georges Books, ‘Mysteries of the Dark Moon : used book resource & ‘Finding Our Way Through the Dark used book resource You Can learn more about her here: Demetra George's website

Here is a Youtube video of me reading about the Balsamic Moon Phase from Demetra George’s ‘Finding Our Way Through the Dark’


We are each born under the our specific phase of the Moon, but each one of us (as long as we live to be 29) will experience each of the progressed phases and signs of the Moon. Transiting Moon takes 29 days to go around the Zodiac, and the Progressed Moon takes a little over 29 years to go around the Zodiac, spending approxiamately 2.5 years in each sign (2.5 x12= 30) and a little over 3.5 years in each phase (3.5 x8phases= 28)

The progressed Balsamic Moon will happen at different times in our lives depending on what phase of the Moon you were born under. Someone who was born under a Full Moon will go through their first Progressed Balsamic Moon Phase in their mid teens, and someone who was born under a New Moon will experience their first Progressed Balsamic Moon Phase in their late 20s/early 30s. (we can experience up to 3 of each of the Progressed phases within a 100 year lifespan)

Just like the transiting Balsamic Moon phase in one of reflection, contemplation and isolation, the Progressed Balsamic Moon Phase can be a 3.5 year + period in which our energies ask us to go inward. For many people it is a time of endings. This could be a death of a loved one, an end of a relationship, a life changing move, or the completion of a chapter in your life such as school, or a career. It is a time to slow down, rest, grieve, release and heal.

Many of my clients have said this time period has been one of tenderness, as they are letting go of parts of themselves that was once familiar, sacred or important. The Progressed Dark Moon Phase span the Progressed Balsamic Moon and the Progressed New Moon, bot of which are about 3.5 years of your life. So the Progressed dark Moon phase can be upwards to 7 years! Many of my clients, (as well as myself) noticed a milestone and major shift in energy from the Progressed Balsamic to the Progressed New Moon…however, it takes awhile for the new chapter to gain momentum. So part of the Progressed New Moon (in which the Moon is still dark) there can be a sense of nostalgia, longing, or sadness as you know you have to step firmly in a new direction.

The Progressed Balsamic Moon is a time of great healing, catharsis and rejuvenation, if you allow yourself the time to go inward.

To learn more about the Progressed Balsamic Moon, as well as journal about your Progressed phases, you can read all about it in Demetra Groege’s book, ‘Finding Our Way Through The Dark’ (listed above.)

To learn more about what Progressed Moon phase you are living through right now, you can book a reading with me here: I LOVE talking about Progressed charts!

And if you would like to listen to an amazing podcast that focuses on other elements of the progressed charts, including stationing planets and ingresses, please check out Chris Brennen’s Astrology Podcast

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Here’s an added bonus. In the Blue ridge Mountains, there is a Mountain called Black Balsam due to all of the Balsam Firs. Here I am atop Black Balsam in the Spring of 2021. I have yet to watch the Balsamic Moon rise before Sunrise from Black Balsam, but hopefully one day soon!

xocean alexandre dumas

Hello, I am xocean alexandre, I am a Visual Artist specializing in illustration, graphic design, fiber arts, and performance. I have used these skills to create installations and performances all over the US including Baltimore, NYC, Austin and San Fransisco.

As a freelancer, I have written and illustrated children's books (which are still in preproduction). I have created logos, infographics, stop motion films, zines and custom archival prints just to name a few.

I have built and run 3 businesses. The First was 'The Dandy Vagabonds' 2011-2018. This was a creative collaboration with my (former) partner. We were performers & installation artists. Within this role I was a creator, performer, costume designer, PR Manager in charge of Newsletters, grant writing, emails and well beyond.

My next business, as a soloprenuer was to be a freelance Graphic Designer 2011-ongoing. This work has fallen under many names, but got rebranded as 'xocean alexandre' in January 2023. As a freelance graphic designer, I have had the honor of creating zines, flyers, custom art, and so much more.

The next business I built was 'IndigoMoonArtist' 2018- ongoing. Under this role as a solopreneur, I am an Astrologer, facilitator, artist, social media manager, newsletter writer and so much more! Within this role I have given over a thousand astrology readings, I have led workshops and retreats and several month-long classes.

Some of my education includes:

Google UX Design Certification : January 2023

Portland School of Astrology : May 2018

B.A. Anthropology from Missouri State University 2004


Elusive Mercury


Venus Greatest Elongation